Samstag, 20. Juli 2019

July 20, 2019-Day 10

Hey! Today was very interesting —

We got home at about 5:00 AM, so most of the morning was spent sleeping. We didn't really have any set plans for the day, so up until noon, we just lounged around the house, deciding what to do.

What we finally decided on was a toy shop called Just A Trace, which, coincidentally, is right next to where Melinda and Laura (two of our leaders) are staying for the weekend. We didn't find what we were looking for in the shop, but we did pick up Laura and take her along to the Dubois County Museum and a soap shop.

There is a lot of German history in Dubois County, and that is very prominent in the museum. Leonie and Laura were fascinated with all the German names they were reading from the first families in Dubois. Many of the names have been changed a bit since the 1930's, so the locals say them differently than how Laura and Leonie explained it.

After the museum, we went to my cousin's soap shop. She makes her own soap, shampoo, lotion, and other things like that to sell. There are all sorts of designs — from bees to the zodiac, and even Godzilla — on her soaps.

Then, we met Melinda at our church and prepared for service tomorrow. Laura learned a new song, Leonie got her presentation set up, and I practiced a song with John (Melinda's husband). We also decorated the sanctuary for the arrival of Chad Abbott, the conference minister for the Indiana-Kentucky Conference. We've tried to get him to come down three times already, but every time it snowed, so we thought we would celebrate when he finally could come.

The rest of the day was spent at home, where Leonie met some of our neighbors, and tried s'mores for the first time!

Many blessings,


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